Simplifying the transportation and storage of dangerous goods


CDM - Soluzioni Logistiche is a specialized provider of storage and warehousing of dangerous goods for agriculture and industry in full compliance with Seveso regulations. It guarantees companies qualified services that simplify and optimize storage, shipping order management and ADR transport.

In 2016, thanks to Leviahub's personalized consultancy, CDM Srl - Soluzioni Logistiche adopted the appropriate software to innovate all procedures, optimally manage data and information and, above all, cover all needs related to the obligations of the Seveso II Directive (Directive 96/82/EC) for hazardous products.

Your need? Change management and perform a complete IT upgrade to innovate the company's systems.

Today, CDM Srl - Soluzioni Logistiche relies on Leviahub as the only supplier for the digitization of different areas of its company, responds promptly to the most particular needs of its Customers and has optimized workflows and warehouse by virtue of the classification of goods and the shipments timing.

Thanks to Leviahub's WMS, today CDM Srl - Soluzioni Logistiche guarantees its customers the safe handling of dangerous goods, automating flows related to Seveso regulations. In addition, it can count on advanced personnel management, automating information sharing with the administrative department as well.

For the management and IT upgrade of CDM Srl - Soluzioni Logistiche, Leviahub suggested the adoption of two specific, highly functional solutions.

The WMS system designed by Leviahub allows high security in the storage and handling of Seveso goods and automatically ensures compliance with regulations regarding hazardous materials and products. The system also allows customization of services for third-party logistics, easily adapting to special cases and specific customer requests. In addition, the Leviahub WMS system is based on an innovative and complex technological structure that can guarantee an extremely simple user experience. As a result, CDM Srl - Soluzioni Logistiche was able to differentiate itself as a one-stop supplier in the industry, gaining the loyalty of historical customers and acquiring new ones over time.

Another solution proposed to CDM Srl - Soluzioni Logistiche is the integration between the WMS and the HR management and administration software, which, therefore, operate in a single digital environment. The Leviahub HR software offers advanced personnel management, with a focus on attendance, leave approval workflows and digital leave via a dedicated APP, ensuring automatic data sharing with the administration. In addition, it offers a dedicated employee portal with autonomous access to their timecard, internal communications, and always-available digital pay slip.

The Advantages

Logistics process optimization

Efficient and centralized logistics and transportation operations management, which improve shipment planning, execution, and monitoring.

Self-learning warehouse management

Working mode analysis, optimizing the goods location in the warehouse according to shipping dates to improve the routes of warehouse workers.

Improved time management

More effective management of employees' working time; optimization of resource planning and distribution that enables reduction of waste.

Cloud data center

Ability to run the data center in the Cloud as well as on a fixed server to provide access in IaaS.

Integrated APP for hauliers

Automatic sharing of routes for deliveries directly on the APP, facilitating the work of hauliers.

Streamlined integration and data flow

Different functionalities are managed in a single working environment, allowing better data sharing and simplifying the flow of information within the company.

Compliance and transparency in HR practices

Compliant human resources management practices, increased transparency and reduced risk of errors or legal non-compliance.

Advanced personnel management

Attendance, advanced scheduling, holiday and leave approvals managed directly from the APP and automatically shared with the administration.

Automation of human resources management

Simplification of the different aspects of HR management, from monitoring absenteeism and hours worked to work planning.

Dedicated employee portal

With individual timecards, a general information section and a cloud-based pay slip always available, the employee Portal ensures greater employee autonomy.