Artificial intelligence: Leviahub's new winning weapon for the Supply Chain

In aconstantly changing world, innovation is the key to business success:this is why Leviahub, which has always made growth and innovation two ofits fundamental pillars, is continuing to evolve by adhering to the new needsof an ever-moving logistics market. Focusing on technological newfeatures and cutting-edge digitalisation in order to offer its customersincreasingly high-quality and effective products and solutions, Leviahubhas in fact also decided to embrace the world of Artificial Intelligence,a trend that is gaining ground and is expected to mark the new Supply Chainroutes even more significantly.

Accordingto a survey by the Digital Innovation Observatories of the Politecnico inMilan, AI in Italy has registered a +53% increase as early as 2023,valued at 760 million euros. Six out of ten large companies have alreadystarted, at least at an experimental level, an AI project to improve theirworkflow and the trend seems not to stop. Leviahub is ready to guide youthrough this new scenario, offering you the tools to best face the change whilemaintaining a high competitiveness level in the market. Indeed, thecompany is already investing in new AI technologies that can not onlyhandle current challenges, but also anticipate and react promptly to futureevolutions.

Applying AIin the Supply Chain sector means being able to have analytical tools at yourdisposal to improve efficiency by automating processes as well as reducingoperational costs, but also gaining advanced algorithms to analyse largemasses of data and obtain valuable insights to improve decision-makingprocesses, create personalised and more engaging experiences for yourcustomers, or be able to better identify and mitigate risks. In addition,Artificial Intelligence makes it possible to accurately predict consumerdemand, streamline logistics routes in real time, and anticipate trends,constantly opening up new market opportunities.


Leviahub,your trusted partner for the Supply Chain world, is ready once again to leadyou into the future, turning new challenges into businessopportunities and taking you one step ahead of your competitors. Investingin AI nowadays means not only creating a corporate culture focused on continuousimprovement, but also being able to introduce new organisational models andstrategies to maintain a competitive advantage in the market.

#Staytuned, don't miss all the news fromLeviahub on applying Artificial Intelligence to the Supply Chain world.

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